Welcome to Whytewolfs Domain

This site is dedicated to the Spirit of the Horse and all that encompasses.

 1997 Whytewolfs

This animal spirit is one of four that I know must be my animal spirits - either because I've been told so or because it pops up in my life on a fairly regular basis.  I also don't know why it's white horse and not another color, but it always appears in my dreams and thoughts as a white horse, although sometimes it appears as a unicorn or a pegasus.

Obviously this site is still under construction since it's inception on 12-06-97, and probably always will be as I gather my thoughts and other information I feel is appropriate to this site.  So if you enjoy my site, you may want to check back often and "reload" to see if anything new and exciting has been added.

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook | Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Someday, a web counter with hits since December 06, 1997.

And a guestbook for people to sign and view.

Thank you for visiting my web site.

The Spirit of the Horse

I've always seen the Horse as a spirit of the air (as opposed to water, fire or earth) because it seems so wildly ethereal.  I don't know if that's how others see it, though. Some consider the unicorn and the pegasus to be separate spirits but I've felt they were just the otherworldly, magical incarnation of the earth bound horse.  Maybe that's why the horse is always running, it's trying to relearn and/or relive the magic of its other selves.

I think the horse spirit is that part of ourselves that yearns to be free and is always chasing something more than we ourselves are.

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook | Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

The American Indian Connection

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook | Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Horse as Spirit Guide

Horses's Characteristics are: Stability, Courage, Stamina, Mobility

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

The Plight of the Wild Horse

Adopt A Horse Programs

Defenders of Wildlife

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Horse Poetry

Actually I haven't written any yet, but when I do - I'll post it here.

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Other Interesting Horse Sites

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Awards and Organizations

I will not solicit any awards, so if you feel my site warrants an award and wish to honor me with one, thank you.

Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits

Credits & Kudos


Home | The Spirit of the Horse | The American Indian Connection | Horse as Spirit Guide | The Plight of the Wild Horse | Horse Poetry | Other Interesting Horse Sites | Awards | Guestbook| Credits

Bear | Coyote | Dolphin | Eagle | Hawk | Wolf | Traits